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Enable Test Mode

Enable Test Mode before installing unsigned driver:

bcdedit.exe -set testsigning on

and reboot.

Install driver


Test the driver

zpool.exe status

Failure would be: Unable to open \\.\ZFS: No error.

Success would be: No pools available

Locate disk name

wmic diskdrive list brief

Create pool

zpool create -O casesensitivity=insensitive -o ashift=12 -O atime=off -O recordsize=256k -o feature@zilsaxattr=disabled -o feature@head_errlog=disabled -o feature@blake3=disabled -o feature@block_cloning=disabled -O compression=zstd-3 zfswin disk

zpool create -O casesensitivity=insensitive -o ashift=12 -O acltype=posixacl -O xattr=sa -O atime=off -O relatime=off -O recordsize=256k -O dnodesize=auto -O normalization=formD -o feature@zilsaxattr=disabled -o feature@head_errlog=disabled -o feature@blake3=disabled -o feature@block_cloning=disabled -O compression=zstd-3 zfswin disk

where disk is for example PHYSICALDRIVE2.

Set drive letter

zfs set driveletter=Z zfswin

Create dataset

Not needed! Default dataset zfswin, mountpoint=/zfswin is created

zfs create -o mountpoint=/ zfswin/root

Importing pool

zpool import zfswin

Exporting pool

zpool export zfswin

ZFS created on Windows - features

zfswin feature@async_destroy enabled local zfswin feature@empty_bpobj active local zfswin feature@lz4_compress active local zfswin feature@multi_vdev_crash_dump enabled local zfswin feature@spacemap_histogram active local zfswin feature@enabled_txg active local zfswin feature@hole_birth active local zfswin feature@extensible_dataset active local zfswin feature@embedded_data active local zfswin feature@bookmarks enabled local zfswin feature@filesystem_limits enabled local zfswin feature@large_blocks active local zfswin feature@large_dnode active local zfswin feature@sha512 enabled local zfswin feature@skein enabled local zfswin feature@edonr enabled local zfswin feature@userobj_accounting active local zfswin feature@encryption enabled local zfswin feature@project_quota active local zfswin feature@device_removal enabled local zfswin feature@obsolete_counts enabled local zfswin feature@zpool_checkpoint enabled local zfswin feature@spacemap_v2 active local zfswin feature@allocation_classes enabled local zfswin feature@resilver_defer enabled local zfswin feature@bookmark_v2 enabled local zfswin feature@redaction_bookmarks enabled local zfswin feature@redacted_datasets enabled local zfswin feature@bookmark_written enabled local zfswin feature@log_spacemap active local zfswin feature@livelist enabled local zfswin feature@device_rebuild enabled local zfswin feature@zstd_compress active local zfswin feature@draid enabled local

zfswin feature@zilsaxattr enabled local <- not compatible with Linux or from newer version zfswin feature@head_errlog disabled local <- not compatible with Linux or from newer version zfswin feature@blake3 enabled local <- not compatible with Linux or from newer version zfswin feature@block_cloning enabled local <- not compatible with Linux or from newer version

Found problems

  • TrackMania game throws file access error