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Archive system files to a file

When creating full system backup it is better to use bsdtar than tar. tar with --xattrs will not preserve extended properties.

  1. Boot from live USB.

  2. Mount source and destination file systems:

     fdisk -l
     mkdir root
     sudo mount </dev/nvme0n1p5> root
     mkdir backup
     sudo mount </dev/sda4> backup
  3. CD to source file system:

     cd root
  4. Create backup (starting from current folder):

     sudo bsdtar --acls --xattrs -czpvf ../backup/<archive_name>.tar.gz .
  5. Restore backup (to current folder):

     sudo bsdtar --acls --xattrs -xzpvf ../backup/<archive_name>.tar.gz

Archive user files

To archive user files and folders on Linux (tar stores owner/group of the file):

tar -cf archive.tar -C <directory> .


tar -cf archive.tar <directory>

where -C <path> (change folder) can be used to not store full path names when whole mount point from some other place, for example:

tar -cf 2021-08-18_listingi.tar -C /media/truecrypt1 .

Compress archive with password


7z a -p -mhe=on archive.tar.7z archive.tar

and -mhe=on is for enabling header encryption (cannot list file names).


7z x archive.tar.7z