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GitHub Standard Fork & Pull Request Workflow:


Useful commands

Here is a list of most useful GIT commands for me when working with projects on github.

Get latest changes from origin:

git pull / git pull origin

Update fork on github:

git push myfork

Create new branch:

git branch mybranch / git checkout -b mybranch

Update branch on github:

git push myfork mybranch

Rebase branch to master:

git checkout mybranch
git rebase master

Remove branch:

git branch -d mybranch
git push myfork :mybranch


Create bundle:

git bundle create repo.bundle master

Create bundle from last 10 days:

git bundle create repo.bundle --since=10.days master

Create repository from bundle:

git clone repo.bundle -b master repo

Verify the bundle:

git bundle verify repo.bundle

Pull from the bundle:

git pull repo.bundle master


This post describes very useful branching model that can be used with GIT:

Converting between tabs and spaces

It is very easy to convert between tabs and spaces automatically when committing and check-outing text files with GIT. GIT allows it with the attributes mechanism:

To configure this behavior all you need is:

  1. Place ‘expand’ and ‘unexpand’ commands in your ‘PATH’ environment variable. For Windows they are part of GnuWin32 CoreUtils package:

  2. Define needed GIT filter names. These are examples if you want tabs locally and two or four spaces in the repository:
    • git config --system filter.tabspace2.clean "expand --tabs=2 --initial"
    • git config --system filter.tabspace2.smudge "unexpand --tabs=2 --first-only"
    • git config --system filter.tabspace4.clean "expand --tabs=4 --initial"
    • git config --system filter.tabspace4.smudge "unexpand --tabs=4 --first-only"
  3. Apply settings to your local repository.
    • Create .git/info/attributes file inside your local repository directory and add following line(s) to it: *.<extension> filter=tabspace2 where <extension> is file extension than will be filtered.
  4. If you have any changes, commit them and then checkout all files to have filtered version on a disc: git checkout HEAD -- **