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Graphics Tablet in Linux


XP-Pen Deco 01 v2 with DIGImend driver

  1. Install kcm-wacomtablet, libwacom and xf86-input-wacom packages.
  2. Install required kernel headers, for example linux511-headers package.
  3. Clone git repository from
  4. Run: sudo make dkms_install in the source repository.

Now that’s done, there are two files that need to be added for our tablet. Download these two text files - once downloaded, rename them to remove the .txt extension. After that copy the files into the directories indicated:

Change [Buttons] section in the xp-pen-dec01.tablet.txt to:



To uninstall, run sudo make dkms_uninstall in the source repository (/usr/src/digimend-10/) and remove above files.

Other info

USB VID/PID: 28bd:0905

Button numbers are 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Setting them with xsetwacom:

xsetwacom set "UGTABLET 10 inch PenTablet Keyboard pad" button 1 key ctrl z
xsetwacom set "UGTABLET 10 inch PenTablet Keyboard pad" button 2 key ctrl z
xsetwacom set "UGTABLET 10 inch PenTablet Keyboard pad" button 3 key ctrl z
xsetwacom set "UGTABLET 10 inch PenTablet Keyboard pad" button 8 key ctrl z
xsetwacom set "UGTABLET 10 inch PenTablet Keyboard pad" button 9 key ctrl z
xsetwacom set "UGTABLET 10 inch PenTablet Keyboard pad" button 10 key ctrl z
xsetwacom set "UGTABLET 10 inch PenTablet Keyboard pad" button 11 key ctrl z
xsetwacom set "UGTABLET 10 inch PenTablet Keyboard pad" button 12 key ctrl z

To get all possible settings:

xsetwacom -s get "UGTABLET 10 inch PenTablet Pen stylus" all

Read about it and other methods on:

Map tablet to monitor

Use HEAD-n as monitor number:

xsetwacom set "UGTABLET 10 inch PenTablet Pen stylus" MapToOutput HEAD-0

The full area is 32768x32768 for 16x10 monitor but can be limited.

16x9 horizontal (height = 32768 * (9 / 10) = 29491):

xsetwacom set "UGTABLET 10 inch PenTablet Pen stylus" "Area" "0 1638 32767 31128"
xsetwacom set "UGTABLET 10 inch PenTablet Pen stylus" "Rotate" "none"